
Scientists Have Finally Discovered Proof That Our Brains Have a Waste Drainage System

A Strange Fossil Just Changed What We Know About Animals Evolving to Walk on Land

Archaeologists Just Discovered Three Hidden 2,000-Year-Old Egyptian Tombs

We Finally Know Which Groundbreaking Period in Earth's History Gave Rise to The First Animals

Astronomers May Have Spotted The First Moon Outside of Our Solar System

New Discovery Could Allow Us to Edit Memories to Make Them Less Traumatic

NASA Are Figuring Out How to Use AI to Build Autonomous Space Probes

Scientists Have Finally Solved The Mystery of 'Bright Nights'

Physicists Have Figured Out Where The Sun's Plasma Jets Come From

NASA Has Discovered Hundreds of Potential New Planets - And 10 May Be Like Earth

There's a Hidden Message on This 3,000 Year-Old Piece of Pottery

Ancient DNA Shows How Cats Took Over The World