
A weasel just shut down the Large Hadron Collider, according to reports

The world is getting greener thanks to rising carbon dioxide levels

For the first time, researchers have successfully mapped the inside of a pyramid using cosmic rays

This is your brain on music

Why every image of a black hole isn't real

Solar Impulse 2 is back in the air and breaking more world records

Chernobyl's milk is still radioactive 30 years later, investigation reveals

Physicists have created a 'black hole' in the lab that could finally prove Hawking radiation exists

Researchers have accidentally made batteries that could last 400 times longer

Scientists have pushed water molecules into a whole new state of matter

The dinosaurs were already doomed long before the meteorite hit, scientists find

Scientists discovered a 1,000-km-long coral reef at the mouth of the Amazon

People are saying these 1,500-year-old 'Adidas sneakers' are proof of time travel

Pi and its role in the "most beautiful formula in mathematics"

Scientists think they've finally figured out how birds outlived the dinosaurs

NASA just announced it's building an electric propulsion system to take us into deep space